(Marstrand, Sweden)- Peter Gustafsson and crew aboard BLUR.SE
went out for their training session in May on the northwestern Baltic
Sea on a grey, steely day with winds blowing just 20-26 kts. Many other
boats were out practicing prior to the first race weekend of the
season-- most were having great difficulty controlling their boats, most
broaching wildly. The J/111 crew on BLUR.SE simply went about their
training session like a "walk in the park on Sunday morning",
effortlessly gybing several times (see their technique in the video) and
planing up to 20.26 kts on their GPS/ speedo!
Watch this YouTube video of the J/111 BLUR.SE.
the J/111 #17 sailed by Dorian McKelvy has been out
sailing quite actively and are also having a great time with their
boat. Here is their first regatta video on YouTube.com-