(Paris, France)- The J/111 owner group in Europe has planned five events for 2013 including a European Championship. The main goal is to ensure that at least ten boats will be participating in every event and more than fifteen for the Le Havre race.
The 2013 European J/111 calendar includes the following events:
- SPI Ouest France – France: 28th March- 1st April 2013
- Porquerolles – France: May 2013
- Euro Championship/ Normandy Sailing Week – Le Havre: 6th to 9th June 2013
- Cowes Race Week- England: 3rd to 10th August 2013
- Breskens–The Netherlands: September 2013
For more sailing information about these events, please contact either Paul Heys at J/UK (info@keyyachting.com) or Frederick Bouvier at J/Europe (fred@jcomposites.eu).