That afternoon only one race was held, again along the Lee-on-Solent shoreline as it was on the first day with the 6 - 9 knot southeasterly, enough for the boats to race. The boats then had to head out into the tide to round the first mark and spreader mark before heading back downwind. The course was shortened, when a southwesterly sea breeze filled in after a brief transition just short of the finish line.

At the end of the regatta, the French team with the J/122 NUTMEG IV managed to finish 3rd overall and the "numero uno" GBR Black team member that shined on that special day happened to be the J/109 YEOMAN OF WIGHT.
In addition to winning on that special day, after four races the J/109 YEOMAN OF WIGHT and her young crew were the leading boat across all seven teams at the Brewin Dolphin Commodores' Cup! And, at that time the French team with the J/122 JOOPSTER were the overall team leaders! After all the remarkably challenging racing, the youngest team at this year's RORC Commodore's Cup Team, sailing a 10 year-old design in the form of Sir Aisher's J/109 YEOMAN OF WIGHT, basically "kicked booty" against the best that European IRC teams had to offer and finished 3rd OVERALL on an individual points basis! Not bad for a bunch of "kids". :) For more Brewin Dolphins RORC Commodore's Cup sailing information