(Cowes, Isle of Wight, England)- The J/111 has taken the world by storm in 2012, with boats lighting-up race courses in over 12 countries. One-design action is already taking place in Chicago, Newport, Annapolis, San Francisco, La Trinite France and now in the Solent, starting with the upcoming J-CUP, then followed by Cowes Week. J/111 #60 based in Hamble, UK is ready to sail for enthusiastic J sailors. Whether your passion is short-handed distance racing, round-the-buoys fleet racing, or just plain sailing fast & fun in an easy to sail speedster, the J/111 is well worth checking out. For those of you who have an interest in expanding your horizons in the European racing scene while still having the ultimate beer-can evening series boat, please don't hesitate to contact Paul Heys at J-UK at
paul@keyyachting.com or +44 78022-64141.

Meanwhile, for those loving the South American lifestyle, it's hard to beat sailing a J/111 in Peru. Recently, the J/111 CHALLWA was launched into the cool Pacific Ocean in the morning shadows of the magnificent Andes Mountain range. German Fuchs and friends are happy to welcome J/111 enthusiasts anytime in their spectacular waters on the southwestern side of South America. An important note for connoisseurs of the traveling lifestyle-- Peru, Chile and Argentina have some of the most extraordinary skiing, sailing, beef and wine (white or red) in the world (not necessarily in that order)! Please be sure to contact German for a demo sail/ski anytime. For
more J/111 sailing information